Deprecated InterfacesInterfaceDescriptionuse org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.TaskListener instead
Deprecated ClassesClassDescriptionAlways returns
The sending telemetry data feature is removed. Please remove any usages of the command.Command is empty The sending telemetry data feature is removed. Please any remove usages of the command.since 7.2: useBpmnExecutionContext
since 7.4, use slf4jThe sending telemetry data feature is removed. Please remove any usages.
Deprecated Enum ClassesEnum ClassDescriptionThese permissions have no effect
Deprecated FieldsFieldDescriptionPlease use
instead.Please useEntityTypes.IDENTITY_LINK
instead.Please useEntityTypes.TASK
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionUse
to get the id of the resource of theMissingAuthorization
(s). This method may be removed in future versions.UseAuthorizationException.getMissingAuthorizations()
to get the type of the resource of theMissingAuthorization
(s). This method may be removed in future versions.UseAuthorizationException.getMissingAuthorizations()
to get the violated permission name of theMissingAuthorization
(s). This method may be removed in future versions.useBusinessProcess.getAndClearCachedVariableMap()
insteadsince 5.2, useHistoricDetailQuery.activityInstanceId(String)
insteadsince 7.2. UseHistoricVariableUpdate.getTypeName()
Note that this method name is not expressive enough, because it is also possible to delete the historic decision instance by the instance id. Therefore useHistoryService.deleteHistoricDecisionInstanceByDefinitionId(java.lang.String)
instead to delete the historic decision instance by the definition id.As of v. 7.9.0, because there can be more than one history cleanup job at once, useHistoryService.findHistoryCleanupJobs()
instead.since 7.4 A new instance of a sentry does not reference the source case execution id anymore.since 7.4 A new instance of a sentry does not reference the source case execution id anymore.since 7.4 A new instance of a sentry does not reference the source case execution id anymore.since 7.2, useContext.getBpmnExecutionContext()
The sending telemetry feature is removed. Please remove the method references as they are no longer needed.The sending telemetry feature is removed. Please remove the method references as they are no longer needed.org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricVariableInstanceEntity.getActivtyInstanceId()The sending telemetry feature is removed. Please remove the method references as they are no longer needed.The sending telemetry feature is removed. Please remove the method references as they are no longer needed.UseDeploymentQuery.orderByDeploymentTime()
insteadUse authorization mechanism instead.Use authorization mechanism instead.Use authorization mechanism instead.Use authorization mechanism instead.useRepositoryService.deleteDeployment(String, boolean)
. This methods may be deleted from 5.3.Use authorization mechanism instead.UseAuthorizationExceptionDto.getMissingAuthorizations()
to get the name of the violated permission of theMissingAuthorizationDto
(s). This method will be removed in future version.UseAuthorizationExceptionDto.getMissingAuthorizations()
to get the id of the resource of theMissingAuthorizationDto
(s). This method will be removed in future version.UseAuthorizationExceptionDto.getMissingAuthorizations()
to get the name of the resource of theMissingAuthorizationDto
(s). This method will be removed in future version.UseAuthorizationExceptionDto.setMissingAuthorizations(List)
} to set the theMissingAuthorizationDto
(s). This method will be removed in future version.UseAuthorizationExceptionDto.setMissingAuthorizations(List)
} to set the theMissingAuthorizationDto
(s). This method will be removed in future version.UseAuthorizationExceptionDto.setMissingAuthorizations(List)
} to set the theMissingAuthorizationDto
(s). This method will be removed in future version.The sending telemetry feature is removed. Please remove the endpoint usages as they are no longer needed.The sending telemetry feature is removed. Please remove the endpoint usages as they are no longer needed.a transition instances represents a transition to or from an activity; useTransitionInstance.getActivityId()
instead.This method has been deprecated as of Camunda Platform 7.1. It has been replaced with the operation log. SeeUserOperationLogEntry
.use camundaAsyncBefore() instead. Sets the camunda async attribute to true.use camundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead Sets the camunda async attribute.use camundaAsyncBefore() instead. Sets the camunda async attribute to true.use camundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead. Sets the camunda async attribute.use camundaAsyncBefore() instead. Sets the camunda async attribute to true.use camundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead. Sets the camunda async attribute.use camundaAsyncBefore() instead. Sets the camunda async attribute to true.use camundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead. Sets the camunda async attribute.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead.use isCamundaAsyncBefore() instead.use setCamundaAsyncBefore(isCamundaAsyncBefore) instead;
Deprecated ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionuse the
SpringTransactionInterceptor(PlatformTransactionManager, int, ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl)
constructor to ensure that concurrency conflicts that occur on transaction commit are detected and handled in all cases
Deprecated Enum ConstantsEnum ConstantDescriptionsince the permission is not used by any built-in functionality of Camunda Platform
for providing the Metrics Reporter id.