Uses of Package
Packages that use org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance
Classes in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance used by org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instanceClassDescriptionThe BPMN activity elementThe BPMN artifact elementThe BPMN baseElement elementShared base class for all BPMN Model Elements.The BPMN callableElement elementThe BPMN catchEvent elementThe BPMN categoryValueRef element of the BPMN tFlowElement typeThe BPMN childLaneSet element of the BPMN tLaneSet typeThe BPMN collaboration elementThe BPMN conversationNode elementThe BPMN correlationPropertyRef element of the BPMN tCorrelationKey typeThe BPMN dataAssociation elementThe BPMN dataInput elementThe BPMN element dataInputRef of the BPMN tInputSet typeThe BPMN dataOutputRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet typeThe BPMN dataPath element of the BPMN tCorrelationPropertyBinding typeThe BPMN interfaceRef element of the BPMN tParticipant typeThe BPMN errorRef element of the BPMN tOperation typeThe BPMN eventDefinition elementThe BPMN eventDefinitionRef element of the BPMN tCatchEvent typeThe BPMN event elementThe BPMN expression elementThe BPMN flowElement elementThe BPMN flowNode elementThe BPMN flowNodeRef element of the BPMN tLane typeThe BPMN formalExpression elementThe BPMN from element of the BPMN tAssignment typeThe BPMN gateway elementThe BPMN humanPerformer elementThe BPMN incoming element of the BPMN tFlowNode typeThe BPMN inMessageRef element of the BPMN tOperation typeThe BPMN innerParticipantRef element of the BPMN tParticipantAssociation typeThe BPMN inputSetRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet typeThe BPMN interfaceRef element of the BPMN tParticipant typeThe BPMN laneSet elementThe BPMN loopCharacteristics elementThe BPMN 2.0 loopDataInputRef element of the BPMN 2.0 tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeThe BPMN 2.0 loopDataOutputRef element of the BPMN 2.0 tMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics typeThe BPMN messageFlowRef element of the BPMN tConversationNode typeThe BPMN messagePath element of the BPMN tCorrelationPropertyRetrievalExpression typeThe BPMN operationRef element of the BPMN tMessageEventDefinition typeThe BPMN optionalInputRefs element of the BPMN tInputSet typeThe BPMN optionalOutputRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet typeThe BPMN outerParticipantRef element of the BPMN tParticipantAssociation typeThe BPMN outgoing element of the BPMN tFlowNode typeThe BPMN outMessageRef of the BPMN tOperation typeThe BPMN outputSetRefs element of the BPMN tInputSet typeThe BPMN participantRef element of the BPMN tConversationNode typeThe BPMN partitionElement of the BPMN tLane typeThe BPMN performer elementThe BPMN resourceRef element of the BPMN tResourceRole typeThe BPMN resourceRole elementThe BPMN rootElement elementThe BPMN source element of the BPMN tRelationship and tLinkEventDefinition typeThe BPMN sourceRef element of the BPMN tDataAssociation typeThe BPMN subProcess elementThe BPMN supportedInterfaceRef element of the BPMN tCallableElement typeThe BPMN supports element of the BPMN tProcess typeThe BPMN target element of the BPMN tRelationship typeThe BPMN targetRef element of the BPMN tDataAssociation typeThe BPMN task elementThe BPMN throwEvent elementThe BPMN to element of the BPMN tAssignment typeThe BPMN transformation element of the BPMN tDataAssociation typeThe BPMN whileExecutingInputRefs of the BPMN tInputSet typeThe BPMN whileExecutingOutputRefs element of the BPMN tOutputSet type
Classes in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance used by org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance.camundaClassDescriptionThe BPMN baseElement elementShared base class for all BPMN Model Elements.The BPMN errorEventDefinition elementThe BPMN eventDefinition elementThe BPMN rootElement element
Classes in org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.impl.instance used by org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instanceClassDescriptionThe BPMN childLaneSet element of the BPMN tLaneSet typeThe BPMN dataPath element of the BPMN tCorrelationPropertyBinding typeThe BPMN from element of the BPMN tAssignment typeThe BPMN messagePath element of the BPMN tCorrelationPropertyRetrievalExpression typeThe BPMN partitionElement of the BPMN tLane typeThe BPMN source element of the BPMN tRelationship and tLinkEventDefinition typeThe BPMN target element of the BPMN tRelationship typeThe BPMN to element of the BPMN tAssignment typeThe BPMN transformation element of the BPMN tDataAssociation type