Annotation Interface ProcessEngineComponent
Indicates that the given bean is an process engine handler. A process engine handler is a bean
that is so annotated to respond to events ("states") in a Camunda Platform process.
Generically, it is a class that has been adapted to be usable in a Camunda Platform process.
For example, suppose we have registered a BPMN process that has
the following declaration:
<service-task camunda:expression = "myBean" id = "confirm-receipt" />
This is a state that will be entered from Camunda Platform and execution will flow through to the bean
registered in the context as "myBean." To subscribe to that, a POJO need only implement
(optionally) ProcessEngineComponent
and, on a method, add
to indicate that the method in particular is
tasked with responding to a state. If applied to a bean and there are no org.camunda.bpm.engine.annotations.ProcessEngineComponent
annotations present, then one option might be to automatically enlist all public methods
as handlers for states whose IDs or names are inferred from the method name:
public void confirmReceipt(..)
would be treated the same as
@State( "confirm-receipt") public void confirmReceipt (..)
,- Since:
- 1.0
- Author:
- Josh Long
Optional Element Summary
Optional Elements
Element Details
String processKey- Default:
- ""